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Using File System Storage Options to Add Images to a Dynamics 365 FO Report

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This article will demonstrate how to add images from File System storage to Dynamics 365 FO using Lasernet Form Editor and how to set up the Form Editor.

For a detailed introduction on Lasernet Connector Setup, and the prerequisites for this task, see:

If instead you wish to use images from  Azure Storage instead of the File System, see:

The steps for this process are as follows:

1. Ensure that the File Path specified in the XML is present on the Server where the Lasernet Developer is on. You will make these nodes JobInfos. Click the JobInfo button (1) in the left-hand Toolbar, and select the node that you would like to make a JobInfo (2).

In this example, we will make the following nodes JobInfos:

  • ImageStorage
  • ImageFolder
  • ImageExtension

The images to be used for the File Path will appear as follows:

2. On the Toolbar, click the arrow on the bottom-right of the Image icon and select Job > File. The cursor will now turn into a cross and can be used to select the applicable node(s) that will make up the file name of the image. In this example, we will use the following:

  • FIELD_CustQuotationTrans_ItemId
  • LABEL_InventDim_InventColorId
  • LABEL_InventDim_InventSizeId

The animation provided demonstrates this step.

3. The vertical red box in the image below has three Image Rearrange blocks stacked on top of each other. Click and drag to create a box the same size as the purple box in the image below to select the three Image Rearrange blocks.

4. Once selected, right-click and a menu will appear. Select Merge Output.

5. The three Image Rearrange blocks will be merged into a single block. Right-click Rearrange, and select Object.

6. Make sure that the Image Objects are arranged in the proper order to match the file name for the image. In the purple box, a value for the Input Object (values in the red box for "Object Name") is assigned to each object for easier readability, like in the image below.

7. Then add the JobInfos that were created earlier using the File Path information. To do this, click Add, select JobInfo for Object Type, type in the name of the appropriate JobInfos, and finally use the name of the JobInfo to be the Input Object (Object Name).

8. The order of the Objects should mimic the File Path location with the image. You can adjust the objects with the Move Up and Move Down buttons, they are the purple objects in the animation below.

9. Adjust the settings in the position with your desired values and click OK.

10. Move the image to the desired location.

Adding Rearrange Spacing

Adjusting the spacing between the rearranges in the pattern can improve their readability and presentation. To adjust this spacing, implement the following steps:

1. Double-click on Pattern to open the Pattern Properties (1), go to the Output tab (2), and adjust the Progress (3) to the desired spacing amount between each object. In this example, we will use 12.0mm.

2. Click OK in Pattern Properties, navigate to the First Page, and check if the spacing is to your liking. To see the images you may have to run JavaScript. This can be done from the following two methods: pressing Shift + F5 on your keyboard, or in the top Menu, clicking View > Run Javascript.

3. Click the Preview button on the top Toolbar to see what the output of the Form will look like.

Example 2: Azure Storage

For a detailed walkthrough of how to add images from Azure Storage instead of the File System, see: Using Azure Storage options to add images to a Dynamics 365 FO report.

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