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High Volume Print Preview

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The Print Preview feature should be used to generate small documents on an ad-hoc basis and larger documents should be generated separately into Autoform DM and returned via the Document Download interface.
The print preview interface works on a default 30-second timeout basis due to the HTTP post from Transact. This means a response needs to be sent through Lasernet and back within 30 seconds. We recommend the following procedures to be carried out:

Sheet Combining

Combining with a PDF Engine is not a good idea due to timeout limits required on the combining that adds a lot to the generation time of the document.  We recommend Sheet Combining within a form.

XML Transformer

XML can be reduced with an XML transformer so it can be processed faster in the form and/or reduce the need for combining different documents together.

Lasernet Monitor

Documents can be monitored via the Lasernet Monitor to see how long they have taken and in which module there was the greatest time needed. With this information to hand, performance improvements can be targeted.

Use multiple servers

The print preview supports multiple Lasernet servers with the use of connection pooling. Each Lasernet server uses connection pooling. We suggest another server if a single server can no longer increase performance along with CPU/Memory resources provided to it

This can be adjusted with the BrowserWeb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml of the interface:

<filter> <filter-name>PrintPdfFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.efstech.temenos.filters.PrintPdfFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>target</param-name> <param-value>/servlet/LaserNetDataServlet</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>lasernet</param-name> <param-value> http://server1:28080/webinputport/T24Input?preview, http://server2:28081/webinputport/T24Input2?preview </param-value> </init-param> </filter>

Adjust Timeout settings

Timeout settings can be adjusted but the limit is generally 30 seconds for the document to be created and sent back.

Out of hours

Large files can’t be generated in real-time via print preview so can be generated "out of hours" to reduce the impact on the performance of smaller documents needed for print preview.

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