AX 2012 v.
Release date: 16th September 2022
Click to download the LAC2012 v. installation package. is an XPO file with changes to existing LAC objects and new objects. Installing LAC requires that you have already installed LAC version or
This page outlines the features of the Lasernet Connector for AX2012.
Import of Model
The Project/XPO for LAC2012 contains the following objects for import:
Adjustment of Lasernet Connector for AX2012
When setting up the plugin parameters, ensure that Lasernet 10 is selected. Lasernet 7, 8, and 9 should also function in the same way, but version 10 should be selected in case Lasernet 10 is used.
Configuration of Web Service and Web Server
The web server can be configured in the box for Web service.
This will correspond to the following web service URL as it appears in Lasernet:
Web Service
Navigate to the following page to access the server:
Web Server
Select the Web server by clicking the Preview using drop-down menu.
Adjustments to the Lasernet Configuration
A range of new scripts are available with this package for retrieving Overlays, Custom port(s), Printer(s), and Printer profile(s).
After installation, the scripts will appear in the Lasernet interface by clicking the Scripts button in the left-hand panel:
function LN10GetOverlayList()
var overlays = configuration.getOverlays();
var result = '<LaserNet>';
for (idx = 0, count = overlays.length; idx < count; idx++)
result = result + '<ln:string>'+overlays[idx] +'</ln:string>';
result = result + //'</OverlayListResponse>'+
function LN10GetOverlay(overlayFileName, overlayWidth, overlayHeight)
var result = '<LaserNet>';
result = result + '<ln:OverlayGetResult>'+Base64.encode(configuration.getOverlayThumbnail(overlayFileName, overlayWidth, overlayHeight)) + '</ln:OverlayGetResult>';
result = result + '</LaserNet>';
Logger.logEvent(0,configuration.getOverlayThumbnail(overlayFileName, overlayWidth, overlayHeight));
function LN10GetModuleList()
var result = '<LaserNet>';
var modules = configuration.getModules();
for (idx = 0, count = modules.length; idx < count; idx++)
result = result + '<ln:Module>';
result = result + '<ln:Name>'+modules[idx].name+'</ln:Name>';
if (modules[idx].type == 'Printer Service') // This is for printer services
result = result + '<ln:Type>'+'Printer Output'+'</ln:Type>';
result = result + '<ln:Type>'+modules[idx].type+'</ln:Type>';
result = result + '<ln:Description>'+modules[idx].description+'</ln:Description>';
result = result + '<ln:Inactive>'+!modules[idx].active+'</ln:Inactive>';
if (modules[idx].printer)
result = result + '<ln:Printer>'+modules[idx].printer+'</ln:Printer>';
if (modules[idx].printserver)
result = result + '<ln:PrintServer>'+modules[idx].printserver+'</ln:PrintServer>';
result = result + '</ln:Module>';
result = result + '</LaserNet>';
Logger.logEvent(0, result);
function LN10GetComputerList()
var result = '';
var servers = configuration.getServers();
for (idx = 0, count = servers.length; idx < count; idx++)
Logger.logEvent(Debug, 'Server=' + servers[idx].name + ' (Hostname=' + servers[idx].hostname + ', Port='+ servers[idx].port +')');
result = result + '';
result = result + '' + servers[idx].name + '';
result = result + '' + servers[idx].hostname + '';
result = result + '' + servers[idx].port + '';
result = result + '';
result = result + '';
function LN10GetConnectionList()
var result = '<LaserNet>';
var connections = configuration.getConnections();
for (idx = 0, count = connections.length; idx < count; idx++)
result = result + '<ln:ConnectionInfo>';
result = result + '<ln:Name>' + connections[idx].name + '</ln:Name>';
result = result + '<ln:Description>' + connections[idx].description + '</ln:Description>';
result = result + '<ln:GUID>' + connections[idx].guid + '</ln:GUID>';
result = result + '<ln:Type>' + connections[idx].type + '</ln:Type>';
result = result +'</ln:ConnectionInfo>';
result = result + '</LaserNet>';
function LN10GetPrinterProfileList()
var result = '<LaserNet>';
var printerprofiles = configuration.getPrinterProfiles();
for (idx = 0, count = printerprofiles.length; idx < count; idx++)
result = result + '<ln:Printer>';
result = result + '<ln:Name>' + printerprofiles[idx].name + '</ln:Name>';
result = result + '<ln:PrinterName>' + printerprofiles[idx].printername + '</ln:PrinterName>';
for (idy = 0, county = printerprofiles[idx].profiles.length; idy < county; idy++)
result = result + '<ln:Profile>';
result = result + '<ln:Name>' + printerprofiles[idx].profiles[idy].name + '</ln:Name>';
result = result + '</ln:Profile>';
// Logger.logEvent(Debug, 'PrinterProfile=' + printerprofiles[idx].profiles[idy].name);
result = result + '</ln:Printer>';
result = result + '</LaserNet>';
New Module: GetMetaDataInformationLN10
The module GetMetadataInformationLN10 which retrieves Lasernet metadata now comes with several corresponding Destinations and Exit Modifiers, as follows:
Exit Modifiers
XML Transformer
The destination GetMetadataInformationLN10 is added to the XML Transformer.
Destination: GetMetadataInformationLN10
Criteria: RequestMetaData
Criteria for the GetMetadataInformationLN10:
Adjustment to WebServiceInput
The following new methods has been added to the module WebServiceInput:
Further Information
If you encounter difficulty while using Lasernet Connector for AX2012, please contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.
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