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Customer Survey Report - News / General - Formpipe Support Portal

Oct 12 2021

Customer Survey Report

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Thank you for responding to our customer survey which is an invaluable asset to our growth as a company and being able to address the needs of our clients. We are happy to receive a large response from our clients and the following word cloud largely represents how our Support Team are fairing:

Along with a focus on the ability of the Support Team to quickly resolve any issues, is the manner in which the issue is resolved. It has been reported to us that this is done in both a friendly and polite way, enabling your experience, perhaps at times frustrating, to be a pleasant one.

However, there are always ways in which we can improve, and your feedback has been crucial in addressing any issues. Below are some concerns that have been raised by our customers of which we would like to address:

Long ticket processing time

Customers have highlighted a need for a faster ticket processing time.


Along with an increased focus on the amount of training we are providing to the Support team, we are making a fast improvement in processes to reduce the response time and ensure tickets are allocated correctly, based on the customer's Product.

It is important to the fluidity of handling a customer's issue that we are provided with all the necessary information. When we have the relevant information, we can easily reproduce the steps involved, along with the expected and actual outcome. For us, being aware of attempted troubleshooting steps and any additional related material (such as log files and screenshots) is hugely important.

Specialist Knowledge

Customers have noted that when they call or email about an issue, they will not get through to the support personnel who are specialised in that particular area.


Customers are welcome to submit an enquiry via email or telephone; however, if the submission is done via our portal, we have put measures in place to direct it to the appropriate personnel based on the Product and version, resulting in a faster response time.

More Guides/Videos

There have been some requests for additional User Guides, FAQS and videos to help you effectively use our products.


We have recruited two new Technical Authors who are currently adding more content to the portal. This includes our new Formbytes video tutorial series, helping you to get the best from your Formpipe software. Our portal also enables our customers to keep up-to-date with the latest uploads through subscribing either to the Portal or via Linkedin.

Your suggestions

In conclusion, it would be useful for us to know what topics you would like to see added to our Guides and Knowledgebase areas.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

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